As with all things in life, there are some costs in membership of the Scout movement, but we belive Scouting is good value for money. The cost of annual membership is currently £120 per year, which is paid for at £30 per term. There is an option to pay £3 per week if your child joins mid-term.
Please note that no child will be prevented from joining the Group due to financial reasons. [Please ask a Leader if you need help]
What other costs are there?
You will need to buy a uniform which can be purchased on-line here. Often a number of children will join together, so it’s a good idea to club together to make a single purchase to avoid carriage costs. If you sign up to the mailing list [before you order] you will be eligible for a discount.
There will be costs to attend Camp, trips and outings and these are charged at our cost. Please note that Leaders and Parents also cover their own costs when attending these events.
What does the membership fee pay for?
Almost half of the money collected goes to our national headquarters to pay for insurance and administration. The balance of the fee goes towards hall hire, badges, materials and equipment used by the young people themselves.
Does anyone get paid?
Will I be expected to help with fund-raising?
We don’t expect parents to help with fundraising but we are always glad of offers to help. It costs many thousands of pounds a year to run our Group and we have a hard-working committee who help with this. We hope you will support their efforts as much as you can and maybe even offer to help. It can be great fun